Back, After a Small Absence.

Back after a small absenceI’m not going to turn this into a “where I’ve been and what I’ve been up-to for the last couple of months” post; mainly because, to get into detail would take too long and wouldn’t provide much of a riveting read. So I’m not going-to. Anyways, I’m back.

In a nutshell, I’ve had a busy couple of months. Super busy. Like working 6-7 days a week busy. Mainly online, building websites, helping a few businesses with their “online visibility,” and also building a small business venture of my own, which took off more than I ever could have imagined. For more info, you can always go to, should you feel so inclined.

My inbox is jammed with wine-related emails, some of which are over 2 months old, but I’m slowly making headway getting things back on track. So, if you’re one of the people who is still waiting to hear back from me, I apologize. I’m slowly getting caught-up.

Last couple of things:

– The problem with working on other clients’ websites is that you tend to neglect your own.
This website needs a redesign, so I’m going to get that going…sooner rather than later…hopefully.

– I can’t promise how frequent my posts will be, since I’m still up-to my neck in work for my clients, but my goal is to focus on quality, not-quantity.

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