Is Wine the Same as Pot or Cigarettes?

Is Wine the Same as Pot or Cigarettes

This caught my attention…    

It really concerns me that it’s being taught in schools that wine is the same as illegal drugs and cigarettes.
My opinion has always been that if kids are educated (both in schools and at home) about moderate alcohol consumption, there is a lesser chance for binge drinking and alcoholism in later life.

Maybe this is due to me being born and raised in England, where you can order and legally consume wine or beer in a restaurant (with a meal) from the age of 16, and get into a club or pub and drink wine, beer or liquor from the age of 18. From what I’ve seen, it seems that in the U.S. everyone gets to age 21 and drinks themselves close to oblivion over the following years.
By age 21 and with my move to the U.S., I was completely over the idea of binge drinking (been there done that)! Maybe I was the exception and not the rule. However, I don’t believe that depicting alcohol as being on the same level as drugs is the right way to go about educating the young.

Now all of this doesn’t mean to imply that the U.K is the model country for alcohol consumption, I know for a fact that there is a big concern about binge drinking amongst young people across the pond. However if you really want to get into it, I blame the combination of awful weather and terrible way the country is run! English people are just drowning their sorrows, but that’s a whole other story…


  • January 21, 2011

    Sediment blog

    Ah yes, drowning our sorrows, our national pursuit.

    However, wine is not the favoured route to obliteration. Alcohol content too low. Our compatriots tend towards soupy beers like Tennant’s Extra, or cheap but powerful ciders like Ice White.

    Which leaves all the more cheap wine for the likes of us…

  • January 24, 2011

    Kat Harison

    I like this blog. Articles are very informative and interesting. You can also read cigarettes related articles at

  • January 24, 2011

    Kris Chislett

    Ahh yes, Ice White, one of my preferred beverage as a young ‘un in England!

  • January 27, 2014


    have a job and my clothes can’t smell like smoke is their like easier
    steps because im not going to follow a whole bunch of steps…too
    confusing…just tell me what i need and that will be fine…reading all
    these comments helped me with nothing lol im not going to clean my
    clothes with white vinegar or baking soda that just wont help me at

  • February 26, 2014

    Ionprotin, Seain

    USA has completely dekosherized alcohol, making it seem more adventurous to young people, thus promoting alcohol abuse.

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