Oenophobia: The Worst Phobia Known to Man!

red-wine-spillOenophobia is an intense fear or hatred of wine.

Supposedly, people who suffer from this phobia often do so because of the complexity that involves choosing and drinking wine.  Oenophobia is also referred to as a type of social anxiety disorder in which a person will avoid wine altogether, fearing they are not well-knowledgeable about the selection. Individuals may experience anxiety, nervousness, embarrassment, or slight perspiration.
I’m NOT making this up I promise!


The Cure?

From checking a few different sources, it’s suggested that people can overcome the fear on their own; but often a mental health professional may be needed. 
Now I’m not a Doctor (even through my handwriting looks like I am), but hiring a Psychiatrist to overcome your fear of wine sounds expensive to me! For a small percentage of what a mental health professional will charge, you can come to my house for dinner a couple of nights in a row. After finishing off a case of wine, I’ll no doubt be able to cure you!
Do me a favor though, if you’re coming over make sure you bring a bottle of…..oh wait…..


  • January 31, 2011

    Sediment blog

    We found the cure for this was simply to drink so much wine, we forgot what it was we were afraid of…

  • February 1, 2011

    Marilise B. Miloje

    Interesting! I swear that the condition applies to non-drinkers too…in the sense of a phobia also being an irrational dislike for something. I know certain people (okay, they’re old uptight ladies) who don’t drink wine or alcohol in general, and some of them give wine-drinkers a REALLY hard time, because they’re literally afraid that having a glass is going to lead to a life of major alcoholism. My husband and I vowed long ago not to bother having a glass when they’re around because they ruin the experience. I don’t know, some hard-wired beliefs I guess…

  • February 1, 2011

    Kris Chislett

    We should setup our own practice specializing in treating this awful affliction!

  • February 1, 2011

    Kris Chislett

    I obviously have a hard time with people that don’t touch wine. I always hear people say “I just don’t like the taste of it.” I have a hard time believing that, I think they just haven’t tasted the right kind of wine for them.

  • February 1, 2011

    Marilise B. Miloje

    I take issue with the non-drinkers who approach it irrationally and judgmentally: a few years ago at Christmas, I gave my husband a stack of books about wine. He unwrapped them all and the wine-haters sat in stony disapproving silence, and actually cornered my husband later on when I wasn’t around and asked him why I chose that as a gift. Needless to say we don’t open our gifts with them around anymore, lol ;-)

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