Riondo Prosecco NV

Riondo Prosecco NV



Prosecco di Valdobbiadene [Val-do-bi-ad-en-ay]



Prosecco is made using a much simpler method than true Champagne. Instead of fermenting in the bottle (as Champagne is), Prosecco grapes are fermented in large stainless steel vats. There are a couple of reasons behind this; firstly it’s cheaper, secondly if the wine was made in the same way as Champagne (and subsequently aged in the bottle), the wine would lose a lot of its freshness, aromatics and crisp fruit flavor.

Because Prosecco isn’t made using the same method as Champagne, it is also bottled under less pressure. The wines are therefore not as effervescent, but instead are lighter and softer on the palate, which helps explain its popularity as an easy drinking sparkler.

When mixed with peach juice, Prosecco is used to make Italy’s most famous wine cocktail, the Bellini.

Ok I’m about to throw out some long confusing Italian words, but stay with me on this!|
The Riondo Prosecco is classified as an IGT (Indicazione Geografica Tipica) which essentially just means a regular table wine produced in a specific region. A step up in quality would be DOC (Denominazione di Origine Controllata) which means wines produced in a much more specific region. For Prosecco, DOC wines also have their vineyard yields reduced (cut by around half), therefore stating that only the best grapes are used. There is still a lot of controversy surrounding this method of classifying wines, and don’t always think that DOC’s are better than IGT’s!

The Riondo Prosecco received a 90 point rating by wine super-God Robert Parker in his little wine magazine, The Wine Advocate.

I would LOVE to share more info on the illustrious history of the Riondo Prosecco. However as hard as I look online, I have yet been able to find any noteworthy information. So there you have it!


Veneto Wine Region Map of ItalyPlace (click map for larger view)

The Prosecco grape is native to the Veneto region of Italy. Wines coming out of the Veneto are some of my personal favorites, Amarone being at the top of my list. The region has been making wines since the Bronze age, so 3,000 years is definitely enough time to practice. 

The first Italian school for viticulture and winemaking opened its doors in the Veneto region in 1885.

Located in North-Eastern Italy, the Veneto wine region encompasses the cities of Venice and Verona, and is the largest wine region in that part of the country.

The #1 export country for Prosecco is Germany.

The Veneto is around the top 3rd/4th region in terms of overall wine production in Italy.

The Veneto region alone has around 185,000 acres of planted grape vines. That’s almost 300 square miles!!!



I’m not going to lie to you, my experience with Prosecco’s is kind of limited, however the Riondo is one of the better few I have tasted.
Aromatic, fresh and delicately perfumed on the nose. Shows pear, peach, white flowers, sherbet and the slightest hint of yeast on the palate. Fruits are crisp and refreshing and without the sweetness of some of my previously sampled Prosecco’s . Soft, subtle and very easy drinking. It’s what I like to call a “patio wine.”



A perfect aperitif, and almost too good to be used for Bellini’s! If you are thinking about pairing it with a meal, Italian is of course the way to go. Give thought to seafood pasta, lasagna, oysters, goat cheese, sorbet, nuts, salads or fresh fruit.



$11Riondo Prosecco

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