What I’ve Been Working On…

Kris ChislettHave you noticed my posts have been a little “sporadic” lately?

”No…I haven’t actually.”
Well, you suck and you need to spend more time here then!

“Yes, I was wondering what all that was about!!! I’ve been tearing my hair out!!! What’s happening?!?!?”
Good to know you care! Don’t be concerned though! I’m not going anywhere…quite the opposite in fact!

Here’s what’s been occupying my time over the last few months:

Speaking Engagements

Early next year I’ve been asked to do a couple of fairly-major speaking gigs at the Eastern Winery Exposition and the Texas Wine and Grape Conference. My chosen topics will be social media, online strategy and mobile websites. Needless to say I’m equally psyched about both these conferences, and there are even a few more that are in the works which I haven’t confirmed yet. Once I have final approval on my press releases I’ll be posting more info here.

Mobile Website Design

This is probably where most of my time has been going! I’ve been designing mobile websites for quite a while now, but only recently decided to take the plunge and jump into it as a side-business.
The main website for my work can be found at www.mobilewinerywebsites.com. It isn’t just wineries who I deal with, but that’s where most of my focus lies. Needless to say if you’re looking for mobile compatibility for your website, without having to do a full redesign, you need to hit me up! (kris@blogyourwine.com)


ROKU Channel

This has also been a fairly large time-suck! If you don’t know what a ROKU is you should check it out! It basically enables you to stream select channels (600+), movies, music, games etc via a small box which is connected to the Internet into your house. You only pay a one-time fee (under $100), there are no other ongoing costs and you watch it direct on your TV.
I see such big potential in ROKU, that I decided to have my own custom channel built. The coding was just finished towards the end of last week, and now the only problem is that I’m working tirelessly to get all my videos uploaded!
If you have a ROKU account, you can login and add my channel by clicking here (just be aware that it’s still heavily under construction).


Wine Class

I’m currently teaching wine classes and front of house restaurant operations classes (around 23 hours a week) at the Jacksonville Art Institute. Bearing in mind that for the first few months of this year I was only teaching for 3 hours a week, my workload has been increased sizably! I’m not complaining though! I love what I’m doing, and maintaining the teaching gig helps me work on some of my other projects…where the paychecks are always more “intermittent.”



I’ve been spending quite a bit of time working with my sponsors to try and get some giveaways in the lead up to the holidays. Starting next week I’m looking to have a minimum of 1 giveaway a week up-to Christmas, so stay tuned for more information on that. Make sure you’re connected on Facebook and/or my email newsletter so you hear about them first!

1 Comment

  • November 14, 2012


    Woohoo! I;m no expert on wine but I would love to get hooked up with a sponsor for giveaway. I actually blog about natural hair, products, fashion and wine. But I would love to at least learn more about wine. I just post about cool wineries and what I like to drink. LOL It would be nice to use technical terms and make myself sound like some fancy shmancy wine drinker and not an alkie…LMAO!!! I’ll stay tuned for giveaways… I love free stuff! I think that’s part of me being a social worker and working for non-profits.

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