Caymus Cabernet 2009 for #CabernetDay

Caymus Cabernet 2009 for #CabernetDay



81% Cabernet, 19% Merlot.



I was thinking to myself the other day; “I wonder if readers of my website think that I’ve decided to take a stance toward only featuring affordable wines?”
Not that this is too far from the truth, but the real reason that I feature a great deal of wines under the $20 retail mark, is that I purchase the wines for review myself. Affordability is therefore key! The only reason this particular wine is different, is that I didn’t buy it. It was sent to me by Caymus. Now don’t be mistaken for thinking that’s any type of disclaimer! I get wine sent all the time; it just doesn’t normally make the website.


In case you aren’t in the loop, today (September 1st) is #CabernetDay on Twitter!  Without getting too deep into it, it’s basically a reason for wine nerds technology-enthusiasts (myself included) to gather together, taste Cabernet and tweet about it. Ergo the reason why Caymus threw a bottle of their Cab my way!

The Wagner Family, who currently own and operate Caymus Vineyards, have been in America since 1885. They settled in northern California, but ended up in Napa after the San Francisco earthquake of 1906.


The Wagner’s weren’t originally in the business of wine-making, but decided to give it a shot in 1915. Thank Bacchus they were successful! All was going well, until 1920 when there was a nasty little blotch on American history: Prohibition.  All wine-making halted until this “dry spell” ended in 1933.

Cabernet was always thought to be an ancient variety, but a 1997 study at U.C. Davis determined that the grape is actually the offspring of Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc,  
“…after a drunken binge, the two grapes allegedly had a wild and crazy night of passion”. My words, not theirs.

Caymus Napa Cabernet 2009

Place (press play for a virtual tour of Caymus)

I’m running out of facts / interesting info about Napa!!! Hmmmm……let me have a think……..ok……’s about a Napa wine joke: 
Q: How do you make a small fortune in Napa?
A: Start with a big one!


No more jokes I promise! Back to business! 
The name "Caymus" is derived from a group of American Indians that lived in the area. Rancho Caymus was also the name of the Mexican land grant in the area that eventually became Rutherford, California.


The grapes that make up the Caymus wine come from a few different vineyards. While they use grapes primarily grown on the more than 60 acres of Caymus property, the winery also obtains grapes from other vineyards in Napa.


The Caymus Cab is a blend of fruit from the mountain and valley floor of Napa, which the winery believes creates “…dimension, and richness in character”. The wine has also been aged in French oak for 16 months.



Not your Napa fruit-bomb. If anything, the blackberry and dark-intense cherry is pushed way toward the back. Bitter dark chocolate, leather, and even some earthy tones. The alcohol is controlled and the finish is long. Young though, so cellar it!



A big ol’ steak, of course! Thinking a little more outside the box: burgers on the grill, rosemary and thyme crusted lamb, ribs, or even chocolate fondue if you’re feeling crazy!



Around $70’ish. A special occasion wine for sure, but definitely rewards time in the cellar in just about every vintage! 10 years cellaring for a bottle of Caymus is not unusual! Caymus Napa Cabernet 2009

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