Social Media for Wineries

I Made the Front Page of Pinterest!!! Now I Can Retire!!!

An interesting thing happened yesterday! The Mrs. was scrolling through the popular page on Pinterest (as she does on a weekly basis), and she saw an image she recognized. Randomly enough, it was my wine bottle Christmas lights! This particular photo was from a post I did back in December of 2010, way before I even started using Pinterest, and therefore wasn’t one of the items I had pinned. In fact, if you perform a…

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10 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Start a Blog – Part 2 of 2.

The 2nd part of my 10 questions to ask yourself before you start a blog…   5. What are you really hoping to achieve from starting a blog? Money? Fame? Credibility? Free stuff?Without defining your purpose from the get-go, you’ll have no clear direction and/or achievable benchmarks on which to measure your performance. These benchmarks don’t always have to be money-based; for example, one of the goals I set myself early in my blogging, was…

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Are Bloggers Disclosing their Relationships with Companies?

News article taken from Libation Law BlogMost people are probably very unaware, but the FTC has very strict guidelines regarding the disclosure of any relationship a company has with someone tweeting or blogging reviews of their products. The Federal Trade Commission’s guidelines “Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising” are a pretty short read.  Which is interesting given that they can amount to some extremely hefty penalties for any winery or brewery that…

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French Winemakers Slowly Making Friends with Social Media.

French wineries, like over-tired children, are kicking and screaming but slowly making their way onto social media, a survey has revealed. The survey of 528 wineries in the United States and France conducted by ABLE Social Media Marketing found that while 94% of U.S. vintners were on Facebook, only 53% of their French counterparts were. But the French are slowly coming online. A similar 2010 study by ABLE’s corporate predecessor reported less than 20%…

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Why Social and Selling Don’t Mix….Another Nail in the Coffin for the Question of ROI in Social Media.

The news this week reported on doesn’t exactly help provide the answer businesses were looking for, in respect to the question: “What is the true ROI of social media?” Bloomberg reported the following: “Last April, Gamestop opened a store on Facebook in an attempt to generate sales from their growing fanbase of 3.5 million-plus customers who’d declared themselves “fans” of the video game retailer. Less than 6 months later, the store has been quietly…

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Pinterest for Business: 5 Tips.

I know what you’re thinking! No sooner do you wrap your head around Facebook, Twitter, Google+, FourSquare, LinkedIn etc ……and another bloody social media network comes along to suck all the life out of you! Thankfully, Pinterest is quite possibly the easiest to understand! The best way to think of Pinterest is as a “social scrapbooking” network, with the added bonus that you don’t have to spend all your weekends at Joann Fabrics! I joined…

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The Most Overused Winery Social Media Posts

No doubt it’s extremely difficult for any business to maintain a constant stream of engaging content on Facebook, Twitter, and all the rest of it; but it’s all too easy to fall into the trap of posting the saaaaaaame old stuff. It’s often suggested that if you can’t post daily, or at least every-other-day, you have no place having a social media presence, at least when it comes to business. I would like to counter…

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This Week In Wine – 12/25/11

  Gallo Winery Gets Russian River Valley AVA Expanded. After years of regulatory wrangling, mega-producer E. & J. Gallo eventually emerged victorious in its quest to enlarge the Russian River Valley AVA, in a decision announced by the Alcohol and Tobacco Trade Bureau (TTB) on Nov. 16, 2011, effective Dec. 16.  As requested in the petition from Gallo Family Vineyards, the ruling expands the RRV AVA by 14,044 acres (about 23 square miles). The AVA…

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The Value of a Facebook “Like”.

I haven’t written a social media post for a while. I recognize that this is basically a wine website, but I like to throw in the occasional social media article, as it’s a topic that interests me greatly. Also, according to my stats, Facebook is my #3 generator of traffic, (right after organic Google searches, and direct traffic). So there’s a very good chance that if you’re reading this, you found me through one of…

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This Week In Wine–12/4/12

    Fighting the Funk in Funky Wine Scientists in Australia have sequenced the Brettanomyces genome – a breakthrough that will ‘future-proof’ the industry against spoilage by the yeast organism known as brett. Brett is widely know to spoil wine with medicinal or metallic flavors, often described as “funk”. ‘Sequencing the brett genome, which reveals its genetic blueprint, means the Australian wine industry can future-proof its strategy against brett and the risk of spoilage,’ Australian…

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Where I’ve Been.

Some of the more frequent visitors to this website may have noticed that my posts have been a little few and far between over this last week. I have good reason, if you care to know what I’ve been working on: – I’ve enlisted a little help in giving the website an overhaul. Nothing crazy, it’s all "back-end” stuff, and there’s probably going to be no major changes that you’ll even notice. The reason being,…

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