The Value of a Facebook “Like”.

I LIKEY!I haven’t written a social media post for a while. I recognize that this is basically a wine website, but I like to throw in the occasional social media article, as it’s a topic that interests me greatly. Also, according to my stats, Facebook is my #3 generator of traffic, (right after organic Google searches, and direct traffic). So there’s a very good chance that if you’re reading this, you found me through one of my social media channels.

The title of this article has been in my head for quite some time (at least a year). I’ve seen a bunch of different reports all throwing around $ values on what (according to their research), a Facebook “like” has, and I felt it was time to respond.  Now, when I say “like”, I’m assuming that the person is already a Page fan. The “like” is coming from your posted content, after they’ve already signed up to your Page.

I put forward this opinion. There is absolutely no possible way any company can ever assign a $ value to a Facebook “like”. Any attempt to do so is completely misguided, and most likely just a half-arsed attempt at proving that social media has ROI. Social media has ROI. That should never-ever be disputed. Is it easily monitored? Not really. Just because a Facebook Page has 10,000 fans doesn’t mean a single-damn-thing!

Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t for one second mean to insist that a “Facebook like” has no value. There’s TONS of value for a like:
– potential for increased traffic.
– a sure sign of an engaged audience.
– a way for you to increase your followers, via the “like” showing in their newsfeed.
– a warm and fuzzy feeling inside, knowing that people approve of your content.


What I find is that as I take a deeper look inside my analytics, I actually see more website traffic on the lengthier articles / reviews, but the least amount of Facebook likes.
If I post a short quote, or a funny photo on Facebook directly, I’ll generate a bunch of likes, but obviously not much traffic. Where’s the value there?

How can this be? Well, I summize that most likes are lazy. Again, not to downplay their value, but I think it’s very easy to like a post and then go on reading other content. I personally put more value in people clicking into my links posted on Facebook, being directed to the website, and actually reading the content. After reading the full post, what are the chances they’re going to go back and like it? Probably pretty low.
This rather than just “liking” it, most probably based on the title and/or photo, without even reading it fully.

To try and put a $ value on having a visible social media presence is completely construing the whole idea of what’s it’s meant to be: a method to CONNECT WITH and ENGAGE your audience. It’s like saying: “…what is the value of opening the door for your wife / girlfriend when you go out to a restaurant?” Monetarily, there is no value. None at all. However; it does contribute toward the overall worth of your own “personal brand”, and THAT is the purpose of social media.


  • December 8, 2011

    Joel Windels

    I wrote something similar to this last week actually –

  • December 8, 2011


    Joel – is that a form post they give to bloggers? “Great post! Check out what I have to say on the same subject – [link]”

  • December 8, 2011

    Kris Chislett

    I thought that same thing :)

  • December 24, 2011

    Joel Windels

    Sorry, what do you mean?

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